What’s new in Select + Edit

We’re constantly improving Narrative – so that your post-shoot workflow becomes increasingly fast and painless. Check out what's new in the latest major releases below.

v2.0.13 - 18 July 2024

🐣  New

  • Personal Styles now receive before and after preview images – so you can easily see what your Style looks like. Older Personal Styles will get preview images the next time your Style gets updated (add some more images, or make some corrections!)

🏋️‍♀️  Improvements

  • Better and more robust support for offline editing.
  • More accurate (and generous) disk space detection for moving and copying files on macOS.

🔧  Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where duplicate catalogs show up in the Style builder screen.

v2.0.9 - 26 June 2024

🐣  New

  • You can now see multiple previews of Edit Styles directly inside your current project via the Ship modal by clicking the small preview image on any Style card.

🏋️‍♀️  Improvements

  • The Edit quickstart video is now permanently accessible from the Style Builder screen.
  • Various miscellanious UX improvments.

v2.0.8 - 19 June 2024

🐣  New

  • Further refinements to the Style builder:
    • When building or modifying a Style, you can now visit a 'Review' tab where you can see only the images currently selected for/used in the Style.
    • Default to viewing 'All catalogs' first.
    • You can now name your Style directly in the Style builder screen.

🏋️‍♀️  Improvements

  • You'll be asked less frequently what type of shoot you're importing.
  • The right-click context menu is now linked to the item clicked, not the active item.

v2.0.6 - 6 June 2024

🐣  New

  • Hold shift and use your arrow keys to add and remove from a selection.

🏋️‍♀️  Improvements

  • Improved image name truncation in thumbnails and the shot info panel.

v2.0.5 - 30 May 2024

🐣  New

  • You can tag t and reject x images on Windows.
  • You can now flick through only selected images. Select multiple images, then hold option/alt and use your navigation keys.
  • The Home and End keys will now skip you to the start or end of the filmstrip.
  • You can now click on the Focus Score icon in the right-hand toolbar and have the Image Focus Score filter open.

🏋️‍♀️  Improvements

  • There's now a thicker border around the selected image in Scenes View.

🔧  Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where drop-downs, such as the subfolder filter drop-down, could get cut off on smaller windows. These drop-downs are now scrollable.

v2.0.3 - 16 May 2024

🐣  New

  • We've changed the name of the app to Narrative Select + Edit to reflect its new editing capabilities.
    • Mac users will need to pin the new app icon to their dock after updating.
  • We've added a bunch more support for cameras and filetypes:
    • Sony A7C-II, A7CR, ILCE-6700, ZV-1M2, ZV-E1, ILCE-7RM5 (A7R-V), ILME-FX30.
    • Sony YCC (Medium/Small compression) pseudo-RAW support.
    • Panasonic DC-G9 II, DC-ZS200D / ZS220D, DC-TZ200D / TZ202D / TZ220D, DC-S5-II, DC-GH6.
    • DNG 1.7
    • Canon EOS R6 Mark II, EOS R8, EOS R50, EOS R100, EOS Ra.
    • Hasselblad X2D-100c.
    • Leica Q3, M11 Monochrom.
    • Nikon Z30, Z8 (HE/HE* formats are not supported).

v2.0.1 - 8 May 2024

🔧  Fixes

  • Fixed the situation where, at narrow screen widths, the Ship modal could break.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause a Style to fail to get a cover image.
  • Fixed an issue related to Shipping and Styling JPEGs.

🏋️‍♀️  Improvements

  • Several user interface improvments in the Style builder screen.
  • Improved the experience of using Narraive offline.
  • Renamed 'Pro' Styles to 'Paid' Styles for clarity.

v2.0 - 30 April 2024

🐣  New

This the BIG ONE! Inside your Narrative app, you'll now have your very own AI editing assistant that applies edits in your chosen Style to your images as you ship them to Lightroom.

Not only can you create your own personal AI editing Style, we've also been working with some of the biggest and influential names in the industry to help you elevate your creativity further.

Find out more here.

v1.5.21 - 6 March 2024

🐣  New

  • Select for Windows is now able to Ship partial selections to Lightroom Classic and Lightroom CC! 🎊

🏋️‍♀️  Improvements

Improved detection accuracy when Shipping to the last used/current Lightroom Catalog.

v1.5.18 - 25 January 2024

🐣  New

  • New progress screen after Shipping starts.

🏋️‍♀️  Improvements

  • Photo system menu item "Edit Date and Time..." is now "Change Capture Time..."

🔧  Fixes

  • When you Ship images from multiple folders to Lightroom Classic, we’ll ensure all images from all folders will be included on the import dialog.
  • Reliability improvements for moving and copying.

v1.5.7 - 12 October 2023

🏋️‍♀️  Improvements

  • Fully redesigned Ship modal.

v1.5.6 - 10 August 2023

🐣  New

  • New onboarding highlight for Scenes View and a stepped tour of the view.

🏋️‍♀️  Improvements

  • Faster startup time for Select on Windows
  • Select can now warm users on arm devices, such as M1 Macs, if they are attempting to Ship images to a Lightroom catalog where those images are already present.

v1.5.1 - 22 June 2023

🔧  Fixes

  • Fixed a bug that could cause Select to crash in certain scenarios.
  • Fixed the contact support button on the generic error screen.

v1.5 - 15 June 2023

🐣  New

  • Narrative Select is now available on Windows! This update also comes with several fixes and imporvements over the last version of the beta.

🔧  Fixes

  • We've improved the reliability of project creation. Previously Select had a slim chance to stall on the project naming screen.

v1.4.7 - 7 June 2023

🏋️‍♀️  Improvements

  • Twice as many images now marked as undesirable by First Pass Image Assessments, and with greater accuracy!
  • Updated the app to reflect the changes to the Select Free plan.

🔧  Fixes

  • Fixed the [Camera Serial] block when renaming images.

v1.4.5 - 25 May 2023

🏋️‍♀️  Improvements

  • Vastly improved groupshot scenes. Select is now much better at differentiating between subjects in groupshots – so, you should rarely see two or more different groups of subjects mixed into one groupshot scene.

🔧  Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where the plan comparison screen would show to Pro subscribers when dragging and dropping multiple folders onto Select.

v1.4.4 - 11 May 2023

🐣  New

  • Added a new option when renaming images to apply the rename to all files in the project, regardless of any filters currently set.

🔧  Fixes

  • Fixed a scenario where Shipping could fail when a folder contained many non-image files.
  • Fixed the count shown on the main button when renaming images which could be incorrect in certain circumstances.

v1.4.3 - 4 May 2023

🏋️‍♀️  Improvements

  • Improvements to Change Capture Time:
    • Filter counts corrected to show unfiltered totals for each individual camera.
    • Your currently selected image remains as the preview image if you switch from 'Selected images' to the camera containing that image.
  • Various minor UI improvements including:
    • Moved the Survey Mode icon next to Loupe, Scenes and Grid View icons in the horizontal toolbar.
    • We've simplified the help menu.
    • Simplified the description that shows below the filter bar in the Ship modal.
    • "Best focus" is now highlighted in blue when you hover over image focus score tooltips.
    • Removed an unnecessary preference to permanently show frames around faces.
    • Updated copy and illustration on the screen that shows if you try to create a project directly from a memory card.

🔧  Fixes

  • The zoom preview window in Survey Mode now accurately shows the area you are currently zoomed into.
  • Undo/Redo now work in Survey Mode.
  • Fixed the preference to switch off the rating confirmation toast notification.

v1.4 - 12 April 2023

🐣  New

  • First Pass

    First Pass is our vastly improved AI-powered culling assistant that saves you heaps of time by getting you to your best photos, faster.

    Think of First Pass as your junior culling assistant. They added one of three labels to your photos – potential picks, unlikely picks and undesirable picks. 

    If you’re in a hurry, you can save heaps of time by hiding everything except potential picks and just looking through those. In most cases you’ll pick something from these. If you have more time to hand you could also quickly check the unlikely picks in case you didn’t find what you wanted from the potential picks. It’s highly unlikely you’d pick something with the undesirable picks label, so you can safely ignore these (unless you know you were trying to shoot something weird or arty that First Pass doesn’t understand).

    First Pass doesn’t do your culling for you, it’s an assistant – you are still the creative, artistic expert here. Ultimately, you have the final call.

  • Sort by "Scene rank" & "Scene time" on Loupe and Grid Views

🏋️‍♀️  Improvements

Simplified sign in screen and sign in with Google support.

v1.3.3 - 23 March 2023

🔧  Fixes

  • Ship now reliably supports catalog creation for the latest versions of Lightroom.
  • Scenes in Scenes View will now be displayed correctly for projects where two or more photographers were shooting at the same time. Previously, scenes could appear split up into lots of fragments.

v1.3.1 - 23 February 2023

🐣  New

Select now has an info bar which shows at the bottom of all three views. It contains information about:

  • You current image number.
  • The total number of images currently displayed in the project.
  • A percent to indicate how far you have progressed through your project.
  • Your current scene number.
  • The total number of scenes in the project.
  • Where you current image ranks compared to the other images in the scene.
  • Rating information.
  • The currently selected filename.
  • The number of images selected, if more than one are selected.

v1.3 - 17 February 2023

🏋️‍♀️  Improvements

  • Substantially faster project scanning. Eye and Focus Assessments, Image Assessments and Scenes will now be ready even faster than before!

🔧  Fixes

  • Focus Assessment colors are now consistent with numbers. For example, 1 is now always shown as red.

v1.2.55 - 9 February 2023

🏋️‍♀️  Improvements

  • When setting up an ingest, Select will now detect when a memory card is attached or detached and reflect that in the Memory Card panel on the left hand side.
  • The various menu icons in top right of the application window have been consolidated and tidied up.

🔧  Fixes

  • An image could occasionally be given a focus score that was not aligned with the scores of the faces in the image, this has now been fixed.
  • Fixed some scenarios where updating to a new version of Select could cause database instability.

v1.2.54 - 26 January 2023

🐣  New

  • CR3, ARW and other Raw files with HEIF embedded previews are now supported.
  • Raw files with bitmap previews are now supported, such as Hasselblad FFF and F3R files and Leica DNG files.
  • The filmstrip will now animate when you navigate between scenes in Loupe View.

🏋️‍♀️  Improvements

  • Focus Assessments are now far more accurate across a wide range of subjects, lighting conditions and camera types.

v1.2.52 - 19 January 2023

🐣  New

  • Create a new project with Command + N
  • Close your current project with Command + W

🏋️‍♀️  Improvements

  • The filter bar will automatically open the first time you apply a rating to a project.
  • Further improvements to scene detection.
  • Project cover images will be retained even if you disconnect the source folder.
  • Clearer loading states for Focus Scores.

🔧  Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where renaming a project and tapping return could temporarily lock out ratings keys.

v1.2.51 - 12 January 2023

🏋️‍♀️  Improvements

  • Vastly improved scenes. Select will now group similar images into scenes much more accurately. In addition, each scene will now only be made from images from one camera.
  • You can now ship to the latest version of Capture One (2023).
  • UI tweaks to make scenes clearer in Loupe View.

🔧  Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where numbers showing the Assessment Rank in Scenes View could appear to be seemingly random.
  • Fixed an issue where unrecognised color ratings caused the ratings bar to become transparent.

v1.2.49 - 8 December 2022

🏋️‍♀️  Improvements

  • Eye assessments are now more accurate at identifying whether it is appropriate for a person’s eyes to be closed in a given image.
  • Finding faces in images is now faster.

🔧  Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where star ratings were not being copied to images when using the “Copy Files” action.

v1.2.48 - 24 November 2022

🐣  New

  • ] increases the star rating of selected images, [ decreases it.
  •  , (command + comma) will now open the preferences panel.

🏋️‍♀️  Improvements

  • We've improved the logic that picks your project's cover image.

🔧  Fixes

  • We've fixed various Ship issues related to the newest version of Lightroom – v12.
  • Tapping return now confirms the rename project dialog box.

v1.2.47 - 17 November 2022

🐣  New

  • You can now ship to Photoshop (Camera Raw).
  • Select now supports .PEF files from some Pentax cameras.

🏋️‍♀️  Improvements

  • We've added your camera's flash status to the shot info panel (if it's available).
  • You can now choose to delete single images without confirming each time.

🔧  Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where Select could open Lightroom on start up.

v1.2.46 - 10 November 2022

🐣  New

  • Filter by Focus. Photos featuring people are now given a focus score from 0 to 10, shown at the bottom of the vertical toolbar. You can choose to filter out images below the score of your choice from the filters in the horizontal toolbar.

🔧  Fixes

  • Fixed an issue that could cause larger ingests to fail.
  • Fixed some errors that could result in Select crashing.

v1.2.45 - 4 November 2022

🐣  New

  • Delete or archive multiple projects. From the projects screen you can now select multiple projects. Hold command + click to add individual projects to your selection or shift + click to select a range. Now, click on the relevant icon in the toolbar to delete or archive your entire selection. Note: to open a project, simply double-click.
  • We've added a 'Deselect All' button to ingest.

v1.2.42 - 6 October 2022

🐣  New

  • Memory card detection. When you plug a memory card into your computer with Select open, we'll offer to copy your images off your memory card to your computer or external storage device, while simultaneously assessing your images and creating your project.

v1.2.41 - 29 September 2022

🏋️‍♀️  Improvements

  • It's now clearer what's included on the Select Pro plan and how to upgrade from Select Free.

v1.2.39 - 15 September 2022

🐣  New

  • Fine rotation. You can now rotate your images by a fraction of a degree from the crop panel [C].

🏋️‍♀️  Improvements

  • The update available message will now only show for 1 minute before Select automatically restarts and updates.

v1.2.38 - 8 September 2022

🏋️‍♀️  Improvements

  • Your ratings and capture time sort order should now be available much sooner after completing an ingestion.

🔧  Fixes

  • No longer erroneously show "generating previews" when zooming into JPGs.
  • Fixed an issue where an unrelated image could show for an instant while navigating.

v1.2.37 - 1 September 2022

🏋️‍♀️  Improvements

  • Ingest improvments - All attached memory cards will be automatically displayed. We've also improved the look and usability of image selection and the destination folder controls.

v1.2.35 - 18 August 2022

🏋️‍♀️  Improvements

  • Surface the Quickstart tutorial more prominently to new users

🔧  Fixes

  • Fewer external hard drives will be incorrectly identified as memory cards

v1.2.34 - 11 August 2022

🏋️‍♀️  Improvements

  • Select will use the same date format (DD/MM/YYYY vs MM/DD/YYYY) as your system’s default region/language
  • Updated the app menu to surface more contextual actions e.g new Photo menu

v1.2.33 - 4 August 2022

🐣  New

  • Archiving - Projects can now be archived. If a project has not been interacted with for 40 days and 40 nights it will automatically be archived.

🏋️‍♀️  Improvements

  • Ingest more is now always available, there’s no longer a need to wait until assessments have finished.

🔧  Fixes

  • Several issues preventing projects from being created from a memory card have been fixed.

v1.2.32 - 28 July 2022

🐣  New

  • Cropping - Just hit "C" on your keyboard or click the crop icon on the right side bar to open up the new Crop Panel. Crops can be freeform, maintain the original aspect ration, or lock to square, 3 x 2, 4 x 3, or 16 x 9 aspect ratios (for landscape photos).
  • Rename - Photos can be bulked renamed following a formula of your choosing. Do this at any time in a project via the Edit menu's new "Rename Files" option or by clicking on the pencil next to a filename in the Info Panel. When creating a project with ingest, you can choose to have your files renamed as part of copying them to their destination.

🏋️‍♀️  Improvements

  • Faster image navigation on slower than average Macs.

v1.2.31 - 21 July 2022

🐣  New

  • The right side bar now shows the number of primary, secondary, and tertiary faces for the currently displayed photo. Clicking on the tertiary face count will toggle whether those faces are shown or not.

🏋️‍♀️  Improvements

  • The current view (grid, scenes, or loupe) will be remembered when switching between projects.

v1.2.30 - 14 July 2022

🏋️‍♀️  Improvements

  • Select now starts faster.

🔧  Fixes

  • Fixes an issue preventing culling directly from a memory card.

v1.2.29 - 7 July 2022

🏋️‍♀️  Improvements

  • When creating a project with ingest, you will be told if the destination drive does not have enough free space.
  • Projects created with ingest can now be cancelled before all of the files have finished copying; this will delete the project.

v1.2.28 - 30 June 2022

🏋️‍♀️  Improvements

  • Projects created with ingest can now select up to four memory cards as their source.
  • Lightroom Classic no longer needs to be closed before shipping.

🔧  Fixes

  • You should no longer see "Failed to update" notifications when using Select without an Internet connection.

v1.2.27 - 23 June 2022

🏋️‍♀️  Improvements

  • Projects created with ingest will now have advanced features available for more photos sooner.
  • Subjects looking down with their eyes closed (posing or walking for example) are now more accurately detected. These subjects are given a positive Face Assessment.

v1.2.26 - 16 June 2022

🏋️‍♀️  Improvements

  • Advanced filters (camera/serial, capture date, lens, & subfolder) will now automatically appear when applicable (ex. two cameras used for shoot) and otherwise be disabled.

v1.2.25 - 2 June 2022

🏋️‍♀️  Improvements

  • Full support for photos taken with Sony α1 (ILCE-1)

🔧  Fixes

  • Sorting no longer resets to the default when switching between projects

v1.2.24 - 27 May 2022

🏋️‍♀️  Improvements

  • Projects in the process of being ingested can now be canceled.
  • Copying and moving files is now faster.

v1.2.23 - 19 May 2022

🐣  New

  • Filter photos by their containing folder.

🏋️‍♀️  Improvements

  • Projects created with ingest now get their own project card and tab immediately, allowing you to easily work with existing projects while ingest is occurring and then return to your ingestion later.
  • On slower than average Macs, as part of project creation there will now be an optional waiting screen while photos are being assessed.

v1.2.22 - 12 May 2022

🔧  Fixes

  • An additional fix to the “maintain folder structure” checkbox for ingest project creation.

v1.2.21 - 5 May 2022

🏋️‍♀️  Improvements

  • Numerous tweaks & small improvements when creating a project using ingest.

v1.2.19 - 28 April 2022

🏋️‍♀️  Improvements

  • Subjects which are almost kissing are now given a positive Face Assessment.

🔧  Fixes

  • Fixes the "maintain folder structure" checkbox for ingest project creation not being properly applied.

v1.2.18 - 21 April 2022

🏋️‍♀️  Improvements

  • Keyboard shortcuts for color and star ratings can now be changed via preferences. Optionally use 1 through 5 for colors and control plus 1 through 5 for stars.

v1.2.17 - 13 April 2022

🏋️‍♀️  Improvements

  • Project info has been removed from Grid view and is now available from any view by right clicking on a project's tab.
  • How scenes are shown in the Loupe view's filmstrip has been tweaked.

v1.2.16 - 7 April 2022

🏋️‍♀️  Improvements

  • Switch between Close-ups panel modes by clicking on a face. You'll be brought to pan mode with that face centered at 100% zoom.
  • Scenes view thumbnails now show the specific ratings you've applied.
  • Assessments now appear even faster for higher end Macs including recent models with M1.
  • Images now appear in their correct orientation faster.

v1.2.8 - 15 March 2022

🏋️‍♀️  Improvements

  • Capture time sorting is now much faster for most projects shot with one camera.
  • Focus and eye assessments will appear sooner, particularly for images that have many faces.

v1.2.6 - 10 March 2022

🐣  New

  • Survey mode: image compare - Select up to 12 images when you're in any view and open Survey mode to see them all at once. Use the N key to enter this mode and escape to dismiss it.
  • Survey mode: face compare - Directly compare faces from up to 6 images at once by selecting multiple images and opening up Survey mode, faces. Use Shift + N to directly enter this mode and escape to dismiss it.

🔧  Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where occassionally rating an image would fail with "Image not ready to rate".

v1.2.5 - 7 March 2022

🏋️‍♀️  Improvements

  • Navigating between images is faster, especially for projects on external hard drives. This applies to all image types, with the biggest speed up for Sony ARW files.
  • Thumbnails will now appear faster when you view them for the second or later time. This means you should see fewer grey squares as you scroll back and forth through the filmstrip and grid view.

v1.2.4 - 24 February 2022

🐣  New

  • Zoom Close-ups panel in Pan Mode - When the Close-ups panel is in Pan Mode, you can now zoom in further to see fine details or zoom out and see the broader context. Easily navigate within your zoomed in image using the “minimap” in the upper right corner.

🔧  Fixes

  • Fixed multiples issues where shipping to Lightroom would fail
  • Fixed an issue where shipping to Lightroom Classic could be slow

v1.2.2 - 17 February 2022

🏋️‍♀️  Improvements

  • Revised Focus Assessments - Assessments now range from 0 (out of focus) to 10 (perfect focus) along with better descriptions when you hover over them.
  • Thumbnails will now appear significantly faster for CR3 files. This means you should see fewer grey squares as you scroll the filmstrip and move through grid view.
  • Faces will appear sooner in the Close-ups panel, particularly when there are many faces in the photo.

🔧  Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where filters reverted to default when a project’s source folder was refreshed.
  • Fixed an issue that caused you to have to unexpectedly sign back into Select.

v1.2.0 - 27 January 2022

🐣  New

  • Select Free users can now create 6 projects  every month with all of our advanced features enabled. Read more about this change on our help center.

v1.1.26 - 19 January 2022

🏋️‍♀️  Improvements

  • Thumbnails will now appear significantly faster for RAF files. This means you should see fewer grey squares as you scroll the filmstrip and move through grid view.
  • Smarter Face Zoom - Pressing space bar will now zoom you to one of the more important faces in your photo, not the centermost.

v1.1.24 - 17 December 2021

Wrapping up the year with a bunch of fixes!

🔧  Fixes

  • Fixes an issue causing ratings or rotations to appear to have been applied to the wrong image(s).
  • Fixes an issue where shipping to Lightroom would sometimes cause Lightroom to freeze.

v1.1.23 - 15 December 2021

🔧  Fixes

  • Fixed multiples issues where shipping to Lightroom would fail
  • Fixed an issue where shipping to Lightroom Classic could be slow
  • Fixed an issue when clearing multiple ratings using the context menu only cleared one of them
  • Fixed an issue that resulted in the eye and focus state information being cutoff in the Close-ups panel
  • Fixed an issue where keyboard shortcuts would trigger when typing into help chat window
  • Fixed an issue where some Sony ARWs wouldn't show serial number information

v1.1.21 - 7 December 2021

🐣  New

  • Ship to Capture One - You can now ship directly from Narrative Select to your most recently used Capture One catalog.

🏋️‍♀️  Improvements

  • Ship now lets you choose between images that match all or any of the ratings you selected.

v1.1.20 - 25 November 2021

🐣  New

  • Resizeable Close-ups panel - The Close-ups panel can now be resized. You can drag the divider to adjust the size, double-click to reset it, or try using the new ⌥+ or ⌥- keyboard shortcuts.

🏋️‍♀️  Improvements

  • Ship now helps you avoid getting into some situations not well supported by Lightroom.
  • All Face Assessments settings are now organized together in the Preference’s Assessments section.

🔧  Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where metadata (ratings and rotation) reading would never finish.
  • Fixed an issue that caused you to have to unexpectedly sign back into Select.
  • Fixed invert selection

v1.1.19 - 16 November 2021

🐣  New

  • We’ve added a Pan Mode toggle to the Close-ups panel - When you’re in Pan Mode you can move the area that’s shown inside the Close-ups panel. Simply click and drag, or pan with your trackpad or magic mouse. We’ll still show Face Mode by default if faces are detected. But, if no faces are detected the Close-ups panel will automatically switch to Pan Mode. You can toggle to Pan Mode at any time, and you’ll stay in Pan Mode until you move to a new scene where faces have been detected.
  • Pan in Zoom Mode using your trackpad or magic mouse.
  • Added an icon that takes you to our quickstart guide in the top toolbar.

🔧  Fixes

  • Fixed an issue related to updating to a new version which should improve reliability and performance.

v1.1.18 - 9 November 2021

🐣  New

  • Select now loves kissing and posing as much as your subjects! If your subjects are looking down with their eyes closed (posing or walking for example) or kissing, we’ll now give them a positive Face Assessment. This also improves the accuracy of Image Assessments.
  • Added support for Hasselblad (3FR, FFF)

🏋️‍♀️  Improvements

  • Select will now prioritise getting metadata (ratings and rotation) for images you’ve clicked on.
  • Detailed Face Assessment information will show on the Close-ups panel by default (you can change this in preferences).

🔧  Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where a new Lightroom catalog could be created with the incorrect name.
  • Fixed an issue where the rotation for zoomed JPEG’s could be wrong.
  • Fixed an issue where the face panel would sometimes display incorrect assessments for a face if there were background faces in an image.

v1.1.17 - 2 November 2021

🏋️‍♀️  Improvements

  • Thumbnails will now appear significantly faster for CR2, NEF and ARW files. This means you should see fewer grey squares as you scroll down your filmstrip and in grid view.

🔧  Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where holding down the arrow key could cause a momentary lag when using an external HDD.
  • Fixed a bug where a scene thumbnail would sometimes fail to load when holding down the arrow keys.

v1.1.15 - 22 October 2021

🐣  New

  • Eliminate has been replaced with "reject".
    • Reject works the same as other rating types, and shows up in the same places.
    • You can hide rejected images via the toolbar filters, just like every other rating.
    • Tap "U" to clear a tag or reject rating.
    • If you want T or X to toggle their rating, just tick "Applying a duplicate rating with a key will clear that rating" in preferences.
  • Fully revamped zoom controls.

🏋️‍♀️  Improvements

  • Added a loading state to Scenes View.
  • Added a toast notification in zoom mode to let you know if a high-resolution Sony preview is still loading.
  • Added "Ship to Editing Program" to the File menu.

🔧  Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where the text describing what images will be shipped was incorrect when using the Image Assessment filters.
  • Fixed a layout issue for the plan comparison screen during project creation.

v1.1.14 - 14 October 2021

🐣  New

  • The 'Select Basic' plan is now called 'Select Free'.
  • Added a new Image Assessment loader to the main image, and thumbnail images.

🏋️‍♀️  Improvements

  • Improved help prompts. Added a default arrow key choice prompt, reduced the overall number of help prompts, and you can now pause prompt timers by hovering over them.

🔧  Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where copying or moving Sony ARW files would also include a JPEG.
  • Fixed shift + click behaviour when selecting a range of images.
  • Fixed a bug where the active image would jump around when eliminating images in Scenes View.

v1.1.12 - 5 October 2021

🐣  New

  • Automatic high-res Sony ARW previews. Instead of saving JPGs to your storage device, we’ll temporarily store the JPGs we need in a small cache on your computer.
  • Ingest more images into a project. Once you’ve ingested images from one memory card, you can ingest images from another card into the same destination folder and project via the File menu.

🏋️‍♀️  Improvements

  • Navigating between images should be smoother during the sorting and assessment phases.
  • Removed the ‘locking’ feature to improve the general performance and stability of the app.

🔧  Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where, on rare occasions, ratings would revert during the assessment phase.

v1.1.10 - 21 September 2021

🏋️‍♀️  Improvements

  • Native Apple Silicon (M1) support

v1.1.6 - 9 September 2021

🔧  Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where scene and Image Assessments could stop processing on larger projects.
  • Fixed an issue where eliminated images would unintentionally get included when Shipping in some scenarios.
  • Restore the ‘Y’ shortcut to toggle the filmstrip orientation between horizontal and vertical.
  • Fixed bug where if you eliminated an image then reloaded the project it would be tagged instead of eliminated.

v1.1.4 - 30 August 2021

🐣  New

  • Create projects in less than 3 seconds! Choose your folder, name your project then start selecting within 3 seconds – regardless of how many images you’re importing, or what device they are stored on.
  • Invert selection. Tap Command+Shift+O, or go into the Edit menu and click ‘Invert Selection’.

🏋️‍♀️  Improvements

  • The camera serial number now shows in the shot info panel.

🔧  Fixes

  • Fixed an issue with the Ship modal where filters would be selected, but in a locked state.

v1.1.2 - 19 August 2021

🐣  New

  • Show Face Assessment details in the Close-ups panel. Switch this on in Preferences > Assessments > and tick ‘Show score details in Close-ups’
  • Eye Assessments are now displayed as icons with descriptions, rather than numbers.
  • Additional Eye Assessment classes added.

🏋️‍♀️  Improvements

  • Faces in the Close-ups panel load faster when you skip to the next or previous scene.
  • Added a new 1-click installer

v1.1.1 - 9 August 2021

🐣  New

Scenes view

  • In scenes view, similar images are grouped into ‘scenes’ – they’re great for giving you a quick overview of your project, and letting you navigate faster.
  • You can order images within each scene by capture time, reverse capture time and Image Assessment rank.
  • With Image Assessment rank order, the worst images are put at the bottom of each scene – so you can find the best image faster and move on to the next scene!
  • You can now filter to show only images with strong or moderate Image Assessment warnings. Just open the filters in the toolbar.

🔧  Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where zoom wasn't working as expected

v1.0.15 - 28 July 2021

🏋️‍♀️  Improvements

  • New streamlined filtering. By default, we’ll now only show star and Image Assessment filters. If you apply a color or tag rating to an image, those filter types will appear automatically. Or, you can click the three dots in the filters section to switch filter types on and off.
  • We’ve integrated advanced filters (camera/serial, lens and date) with the rest of the filters in the toolbar. (Note: these will no longer appear in the utility panel.) Click the three dots in the toolbar filters to activate them. 
  • You can now drag folders onto the Select icon in your dock to start a new project. 
  • We've added a new drop overlay when you hover over Select while holding a folder.
  • System menus are now contextual. They will reflect Select’s current state, view and active image(s).

🔧  Fixes

  • Fine-tuned a few things under the hood, so you should see fewer UI lockups.
  • Fixed a bug around clearing multiple image colors.

v1.0.13 - 13 July 2021

🐣  New

  • Reducing background faces. Select now deliberately ignores some of the very blurry faces in the background of crowded photos – meaning the Close-ups panel, Face Assessments and Face Zoom are much more useful in these scenarios. We’ll start ignoring faces for newly imported projects once you’ve updated. You can turn this feature off from the preferences panel if you don’t like it.

🏋️‍♀️  Improvements

  • We've made submitting support packs easier.

v1.0.12 - 6 July 2021

🔧  Fixes

  • Fixed a couple of issues with project naming.

v1.0.11 - 1 July 2021

🐣  New

  • New, simpler, cleaner project creation flow.

🏋️‍♀️  Improvements

  • Select no longer momentarily lags if you’re scrolling rapidly.
  • Improved the way ‘undo’ works. If you have a filter applied, then rate an image to hide it, undo will now remove the rating and take you back to that image.
  • Project cards on the projects page should now appear much faster, and we’ll retain the cover image even if the project source becomes unavailable.
  • You can now change the project name by clicking on it in the grid view header.
  • Fixed a bug with filtering. If you apply filters that hide the currently active image, we now take you to the closest previous image that’s still visible.

v1.0.10 - 11 June 2021

🏋️‍♀️  Improvements

  • Smart Sony ARW Support – we now only create JPGs for Sony ARW files that don’t already have large embedded previews.
  • Skip to the next and previous scene with left/right. (Swap to up/down in preferences).
  • Additional onboarding prompts, minor styling tweaks and bug fixes.

v1.0.9 - 27 May 2021

🐣  New

  • Keyboard shortcuts list now displays in-app
  • Filename added to shot info panel
  • CAPS lock toggles auto-advance, like in Lightroom
  • Added a new help screen when you lose connection to a source folder
  • Indicators on the projects screen that tell you if a project source folder is not connected

🏋️‍♀️  Improvements

  • Changes to clear ratings shortcut keys: [0] to clear only stars, [Command + 0] clears only colors and [Command + option + 0] clears stars and colors
  • Additional education toasts
  • New on-boarding prompts and updated visual style
  • i toggles shot info panel open & closed
  • Updated super-nav icons

v1.0.7 - 19 May 2021

🐣  New

Introducing: Image Assessments

They’re like Distill, but they show up automatically!

  • Yellow hexagons tell you that you might find better images in that scene.
  • Red hexagons tell you that it’s very likely you’ll find better images in that scene.
  • Hover over them for an explanation, and a neat highlight that shows the scene they relate to.
  • You can then use the filters in the toolbar to hide images with Image Assessment warnings.
  • From preferences, you can choose to turn off just the yellow Assessments, or turn off Image Assessments altogether.
  • Like with Distill, Images Assessment never delete your images. They are there as helpful advice, hopefully saving you time as you cull with Select Pro!

v1.0.5 - 30 April 2021

🐣  New

  • Automatic sign-in for new users
  • Ship to Lightroom catalog. Now you can choose to ship to:
    • Most recently used
    • Pick from a list
    • Create a new catalog

🏋️‍♀️  Improvements

  • Vertical scroll for horizontal filmstrip
  • Help menu link changes

v1.0.0 - 7 April 2021

🐣  New

  • Select can now generate high-resolution JPGs for Sony ARW files
  • New Eye and Focus Assessment icons. The ellipse = eyes and the line = focus
  • Pro and Basic plan support

🏋️‍♀️  Improvements

  • Cleaned up filters in the toolbar
  • Improved onboarding, tooltips and help prompts
  • Stability improvements for Distill and Scenes

v0.2.17 - 8 March 2021

🐣  New

  • New Ship option modal and Lightroom CC support
  • You can now Change capture times of your images
  • Click to zoom - Clicking on the image or a face now zooms instead of locks. Hold ‘Command’ to bring back locking mode
  • You can now change the sort order to Camera/Serial
  • Advanced filters - You can now filter your project by:
    • Camera/Serial Number
    • Date
    • Lens

v0.2.11 - 28 December 2020

🐣  New

  • You can now delete images
  • New import screen with more information
  • Time to Distill estimate - just hover over the Distill button after you import a project to see how long you’ve got left

🏋️‍♀️  Improvements

  • Importing images, face scanning and Distill are now significantly faster
  • Multiple Distill bug fixes, plus 20+ other bugs crushed
  • The Close-ups panel now loads much faster
  • A-Z sort option for the Projects screen
  • Auto-advance after rating preference now works with tagging
  • We’ll remember your last used settings for Distill
  • We’ll remember your window size and aspect ratio
  • A bunch of other UX/UI improvements

v0.2.7 - 11 December 2020

🐣  New

  • Face scanning now prioritises to the image you are looking at
  • Drop a folder onto the Select window to start a new project
  • The folder name is prefilled when you create a new project by linking a folder
  • Select now supports the .ORF filetype

🏋️‍♀️  Improvements

  • Improved reliability of Distill, face scanning and project importing

v0.2.3 - 26 November 2020

🐣  New

  • We now write the tagged status of an image as metadata in .XMP (sidecar) files
  • Added a ‘contact support’ button to the toolbar

🏋️‍♀️  Improvements

  • Improvements in speed throughout, particularly image transition speed when you have Close-ups closed
  • Upgraded our AI model for eye status detection
  • Toolbar, tooltip and toast improvements

🔧  Fixes

  • Offline support fixed - You’ll now stay signed in while offline. Just sign out and sign in after updating
  • Various minor bug fixes

v0.2.0 - 5 November 2020

🏋️‍♀️  Improvements

  • A complete overhaul of our thumbnail system - there should be much better performance now, especially if you're using a mechanical hard drive
  • Various bug fixes related to auto-advance, ingest and rotation
  • UI improvements including a higher contrast scroll bar

v0.1.24 - 28 October 2020

🐣  New

  • Distill - smart tech to help you cull 15-20% of your images in 2 clicks. Meet our awesome new feature - Distill. It uses our smart AI to apply a rating of your choice to the worst images in each scene. This typically results in 15-20% of images being rejected! To try it, just import a new project and wait for the scanning to complete, then just click the DISTILL button in the toolbar.
  • Tagging - You can now select images with a non-metadata rating, a simple little tickbox. Just press T to tag or untag. Note - other programs won’t be able to read tags
  • Eliminate - You can now eliminate images with X. By default, eliminated images hide from your filmstrip. Press Command X to show them. Images that have been eliminated don’t ship, move or copy
  • Click to rate stars - you can now click on the ratings blocks below thumbnails and the main image to add/change star ratings. Though we still recommend using the keyboard shortcuts!

🏋️‍♀️  Improvements

  • You should now stay signed in when you’re offline
  • Further improvements in general performance and optimisation
  • You can now rotate multiple images
  • Updated our eye, focus and scene AI
  • Various bug fixes

v0.1.21 - 12 October 2020

🐣  New

  • Scene detection & navigation. Our AI can now detect scenes (a set of very similar images in capture time order)
    • SHIFT + L/R – Move to the first image in the next or previous scene in an instant by holding shift and pressing left or right to skip to the next scene
    • CMD + L/R – Cycle through images in a scene in a loop until you’ve found your favourite
    • CMD + SHIFT + CLICK – Select all images in a scene
  • Resize thumbnails in Grid View
  • Added ‘File’ to the menu for all file and project-related actions
  • Preference to clear when you apply a duplicate rating – via Preferences / General
  • Changed the Closeups panel and Shot Info controls

🏋️‍♀️  Improvements

  • Thumbnails load in much more efficiently
  • Rebuilt and unified the thumbnails across filmstrip, grid and ingest
  • Tidied up the projects page
  • A fix for refreshing folder

v0.1.19 - 22 September 2020

🐣  New

  • Copy and Move images. Right-click on your selected images, or go to the Edit menu and click ‘Copy file(s)’. *Note – copy/move will overwrite duplicates in the destination folder.
  • New gradient assessments – via Preferences / Assessments
  • See assessments in zoom mode – via Preferences / Assessments
  • Swap the L/R arrow keys with UP/DOWN – via Preferences / Keyboard Shortcuts
  • Removed re-rating (we’ll be adding a preference to turn this back on soon)

🏋️‍♀️  Improvements

  • Fixed a bug linked to High Sierra
  • Minor UX/UI updates
  • Further improvements to drag and drop
  • Stopped the Closeups panel flashing when you rate an image

v0.1.17 - 8 September 2020

🐣  New

  • Ingest - Phase 1. Copy files from an SD card to your computer or HDD. Phase 2 and 3 are in the works including multiple destinations, file & folder renaming and more
  • RAW + JPEG pairing (Sony Support)
    • Sony users should shoot RAW+JPEG and keep both files in the same folder when importing. We’ll match JPEGs and RAWs with the same filename automatically
  • Undo & redo rating, rotation and more (⌘ + Z, ⌘ + Shift + Z)
  • New face zoom controls and help menu in the toolbar

🏋️‍♀️  Improvements

  • Improved the reliability of the SHIP button
  • Improved the reliability of click+dragging files directly out of Select
  • New and improved eyes and focus detection models
  • Fixed various bugs and errors
  • Improved error reporting for the support pack

v0.1.16 - 29 July 2020

🐣  New

  • Preferences Panel (phase 1) including:
    • Change canvas colour
    • Change assessment colours and settings
    • Global workspace settings
    • General settings
  • Select now automatically resumes face-scanning if it’s interrupted (e.g. you quit Select partway through the scanning process)
  • You can now hide the filmstrip with ⌘Y (or right-click or check out the preferences panel)

v0.1.15 - 17 July 2020

🐣  New

  • Added Auto Advance to the main menu under ‘Rate’. When this is on you’ll move to the next image when you add, change or remove a rating. (FYI, we removed CAPS lock controlling this as in previous versions)

🏋️‍♀️  Improvements

  • If multiple images are taken within the same second we now show them in the correct order as long as the filenames are sequentially numbered
  • Pressing 0 (clear rating) now auto-advances
  • Further improvements to import speeds
  • You can now drag JPEGs directly from Select into a Finder folder
  • Fixed some issues with the Close-ups panels that compressed bigger faces

P.S Sorry for bombarding you all with app updated recently! We’ve mostly been adding stuff behind the scene and needed to send out builds to test it was working.

v0.1.11 - 1 July 2020

🐣  New

  • You’ll see a notification when you rate an image
  • Added a progress bar to the import screen

🏋️‍♀️  Improvements

  • Support pack fix
  • Higher contrast scroll bars
  • Various minor bug fixes

v0.1.9 - 16 June 2020

🐣  New

  • Import speeds boosted by up to 10x
  • Rotating an image now writes to file
  • Thumbnails now rotate to match the main image
  • Added ‘SHIP’ to the main menu under edit, on right-click and as a shortcut ⌘E
  • Added the number of images in a project to the project card

🏋️‍♀️  Improvements

  • Fix for incorrectly rotated images
  • Speed improvements when the Close-ups panel is open
  • Improved the feel of double-clicking in grid view
  • Stability improvements
  • Fixed some filter bugs
  • Fixed a clipping issue with the filmstrip

v0.1.8 - 9 June 2020

🐣  New

  • If you’re locked to a face in zoom mode (i.e. you zoomed in with the spacebar), we’ll look for the nearest face when you flick to the next image
  • You can now flick through all the faces in a single image when in zoom mode with [up] or [down]
  • Applying a color rating with CAPS lock on will auto-progress you to the next image
  • We now look for a landscape image when creating a project
  • Added a ‘more’ menu to the toolbar with the first item of many - "Show Shot Info"

🏋️‍♀️  Improvements

  • Stability improvements
  • Major projects page performance improvements
  • Fixes to mitigate unresponsive keyboard shortcuts
  • Fixed various padding and clipping issues
  • Bigger focus dot, narrower blink line
  • People wearing sunglasses are no longer flagged yellow
  • A host of UI tweaks and bug fixes