From Behind the Lens to Founding Unscripted App: A Conversation with Cheryl Kitchener

By Narrative Team

Cheryl Kitchener, a professional photographer and founder of Unscripted App, shares her journey from photographer to app creator and the inspirations behind her career. Read our conversation with Cheryl below!

We’re also excited to announce that Unscripted is sponsoring a category in this year’s Narrative International Photography Awards: Unscripted: Posing. Cheryl will be joining us as a special judge for this category. Don’t miss your chance to enter the awards for free by September 30th and win fantastic prizes from our sponsors!

Can you share what initially drew you to photography professionally and what aspects of the craft you found most fulfilling?

Photography has always been a perfect blend of my love for capturing portraits and my passion for the outdoors. There’s something magical about telling stories and preserving moments that might otherwise slip away. What I love most is working with clients to bring their unique stories to life, combining that with my passion for landscapes and creative compositions.

What do you appreciate most about photography and how did that influence your current work on Unscripted?

What I love most about photography is its ability to freeze time and tell a story in just one frame. It’s such a powerful art form that goes beyond words or cultural differences. This deep appreciation is what led me to create Unscripted. I wanted to build something that not only helps photographers succeed with the tools they need but also celebrates the artistry and storytelling that makes photography so special. With Unscripted, we focus on helping new photographers feel confident in directing their clients and making the business side of things easier, so they can concentrate on what they love—capturing those unforgettable moments.

Could you highlight a project or achievement from your photography career that stands out, and explain how that experience has informed your approach to developing Unscripted?

One of my most memorable projects was photographing a series of outdoor elopements. It was challenging—coordinating across different time zones, working with various vendors, and dealing with unpredictable weather. But it taught me so much about the importance of preparation, adaptability, and staying connected with clients. These experiences directly shaped the features in Unscripted, especially our planning tools, which are designed to help photographers stay organized and ready for anything, whether they’re shooting nearby or halfway around the world.

Are there any current trends, new technologies, or innovations in photography that you find particularly exciting? Does any of that influence the features and direction of Unscripted?

I’m really excited about the rise of AI in photography, from automated editing to smart composition tools. It’s amazing how it can free up photographers to focus more on their creativity rather than getting bogged down by tedious tasks. At Unscripted, we’re looking at ways to incorporate these innovations in a way that enhances a photographer’s workflow, making it easier to create stunning images and deliver great results to clients. We’re also exploring how AI can provide personalized inspiration for photographers, tailored to their specific clients and locations.

What keeps you inspired?

I’m constantly inspired by the ever-changing nature of photography and the endless stories waiting to be told. There’s always something new to learn or a fresh perspective to discover. I’m also incredibly motivated by the community of photographers who keep pushing the boundaries of creativity. Their passion and drive fuel my own work on Unscripted, as I strive to create a platform that truly supports their growth and success. Plus, I get to work with a dynamic, creative team every day, solving exciting challenges to keep our product moving forward.

As a judge for the Unscripted: Posing category, what qualities or elements are you most looking forward to seeing in the entries?

I’m excited to see entries that go beyond just technical skill and really convey a strong narrative or emotional impact. I’m looking for work that captures a unique perspective or tells a story in a way that feels genuine and resonates with viewers. Creativity, originality, and the ability to evoke emotion are the qualities I’m most eager to see in the entries.

You can enter the Photography Awards now until the end of September 2024 (first 5 photo submissions are free!) and be in to win amazing prizes! For more information and to enter check out the awards site now!