Turning Ordinary Moments into Masterpieces with Summer Grace

By Narrative Team

Meet one of our judges for the 2024 Narrative International Photography Awards, Summer Grace. Originally from Atlanta, GA, Summer has been calling Los Angeles home since 2018, living with her supportive husband, a musician and audio engineer who inspires her both personally and professionally. Her photography journey began at 16, evolving through media and communications studies into a deep love for wedding photography, which became a way to capture love and heal. Venturing into editorial photography, she crafts artistic experiences for couples, turning ordinary moments into masterpieces. Specializing in weddings, editorials, and extravagant celebrations, she’s known for her vibrant energy, genuine emotions, and a deep affection for film photography, which gives her work a timeless charm.

Summer shared with us a bit about her career journey, what’s inspired her and what she’ll be looking for when she’s reviewing the Awards submissions next month!

How long have you been pursuing photography professionally, and what was the pivotal moment that led you to this career?

I've been pursuing photography professionally for several years. The pivotal moment for me was when I realized that photography wasn't just a hobby, but a true passion that I wanted to dive fully into. Capturing moments and telling stories through images felt like a natural extension of who I am.

What do you love most about being a photographer?

I love the creative freedom that comes with being a photographer. Whether it's a candid shot or a carefully planned composition, photography allows me to create something that resonates with people and often brings out emotions they didn’t know were there.

Can you share a recent shoot you’re especially proud of, including an image and some background on the project?

I recently shot an engagement in Seattle, and it was such a fun few hours spent with the couple. We really packed in a lot of different scene changes - from hotel vibes, to pizza vibes, and walking through downtown. The gallery turned out great, and struck an awesome blend of playful and edgy/editorial.

Are there any emerging trends, new gear, or technologies in photography that particularly excite you right now?

I'm really into the resurgence of film photography. There’s a nostalgia and authenticity to film that I find really inspiring. I’m also fascinated by the latest editing tools that allow for even more creative and workflow flexibility—these advancements keep pushing the boundaries of what’s possible, and how efficiently we can work as creatives.

How do you stay inspired and continue to innovate in your work?

Inspiration often comes from exploring new places and trying new things, both in and out of photography. I find that stepping out of my comfort zone, whether it’s experimenting with a new technique or working with a different type of subject, keeps my creativity flowing.

As a judge, what qualities or elements are you most looking forward to seeing in the entries?

As a judge, I’m most excited to see entries that take creative risks and bring a fresh perspective to their work. I love when a photograph not only tells a story but also surprises me in some way—whether it’s through unique composition, lighting, or subject matter.

You can enter the Photography Awards now until the end of September 2024 (first 5 photo submissions are free!) and be in to win amazing prizes! For more information and to enter check out the awards site now!

You can also explore Summer's Artist Style in Narrative Edit or see more about that here.