Pro Tips To Write Content for Photography

By Kyle Wilson

You have amazing images to share on your blog, but how do you write content for photography?

For photographers aiming to elevate their online presence and engage a broader audience, practicing the art of content writing is indispensable - and it doesn’t have to be complicated.

Writing content for photography isn't merely about describing what's in the frame; it's about conveying the emotion, the process, and the story behind the shot. In a recent article, we discussed the details of starting a wedding photography blog. Now, we’ll dive deeper into writing content for it. 

Why Photographers Need To Write Content

Your images grab attention and captivate your audience within seconds. Adding written content that tells a story levels up that engagement and makes a lasting impression on your potential clients. Why? Because our brains are wired to remember stories. 

In fact, stories are 22 times more memorable than facts. They engage more areas of our brains and release powerful chemicals like oxytocin and dopamine. Our cavemen ancestors relied on this for survival. Today, it’s why we love blockbuster movies and read novels.

Beyond being memorable, writing storytelling content about your photography allows you to:

  • Establish Your Brand: Written content helps you define your voice and brand, distinguishing you from competitors. It tells your story, showcases your personality, and communicates your values.

  • Connect with Your Audience: Storytelling creates emotional connections with your audience, making your work more impactful.

  • Show Your Expertise: Position yourself as an authority by sharing your knowledge and experience. This can open doors to new opportunities and collaborations.

  • Improve Online Visibility: Quality content boosts your SEO, helping potential clients find you online. It can significantly increase your reach and the visibility of your work.

How To Create Storytelling Content For Photographers

Each photograph you take encapsulates a moment, an emotion, or a unique perspective. When writing about your work, delve into the story behind the lens. 

Let your readers see the world through your eyes, making each piece seen and felt. Share the inspiration that drove you to capture that specific moment. Describe the challenges you faced and how you overcame them. Set the scene for the captured moment. 

3 Tips for Effective Storytelling

Use your own voice and words to remain authentic while trying one or two of these tips to enhance your content writing.

  • Start with Why: Explain why you took the photograph. Was it the light, the landscape, or the emotion of the moment that drew you in?

  • Describe the How: Share your creative process. What was your thought process? Why did you choose certain gear and settings?

  • End with a Reflection: Conclude by reflecting on what the experience meant to you or what you hope your photographs will evoke in others. This personal touch can resonate with your audience.

Storytelling doesn't need to be wordy or long. A couple of well-thought-out sentences to accompany an image can be all it takes. Writing longer pieces adds interest to your content, so mix up your posts by writing about a moment behind the scenes or educational articles with your personal tips. It's all knowledge you already have; immerse your audience into your world.

Enhance Your Online Presence

Your content not only showcases your work but also helps improve your search engine visibility, increasing your Google ranking and drawing more eyes to your website.

It’s time to talk about SEO and how to incorporate it into your written content.

Part of writing for SEO is including words that your desired audience types into Google (SEO keywords). You want to have what they're searching for and want Google to recognize you as a trustworthy source.

Google ranks websites based on the value of their content. We all want to be on the coveted first page of results, and SEO can help you get there. 

Tips on Writing for SEO:

  • Use Keywords Naturally: Incorporate relevant keywords related to photography and your niche throughout your content to improve SEO rankings. Avoid overusing them - Google doesn’t like that.

  • Optimize Your Images: Ensure your photographs are high-quality yet web-optimized. Use descriptive file names and alt tags.

  • Engage with Your Readers: End your posts with questions or calls to action to encourage comments and shares. Engaged readers are more likely to return and share your content with others.

If all that info induces a panic attack, rest easy: we have just the thing to make it easy.

Leveraging Narrative Publish for Your Blog Posts

We created Narrative Publish to help you easily create stunning, SEO-friendly blog posts. It helps you create content that is both visually appealing and optimized for search engines.

Why Use Narrative Publish?

  • Simplified Workflow: Easily drag and drop your images into beautifully designed layouts, saving you time and effort in presenting your work.

  • SEO Optimization: Narrative Publish guides you through optimizing your content for SEO, increasing your visibility and attracting a larger audience.

  • Easy Customization: Ensure your blog looks just how you want it to and aligns with your brand.

Learning to write content for photography can enhance the impact you make on your audience and improve your search engine ranking. For professional photographers ready to take their content to the next level, Narrative Publish is your partner in seamlessly creating blog posts that are not just seen, but remembered.

Discover how easy it is to create engaging, SEO-friendly blog posts to accompany your photography. Try Narrative Publish for FREE today.